Wednesday 7 September 2011

Thousands of miles

Big day today! Flying to China for a couple of business meetings :)


After a busy busy morning getting some last minute things ready, and squeezing in a 2 hour meeting with the accountant, me and Dad headed straight off to pick up my Passport and Visa from London (yes, on way to the airport!).

London was choccabloc (as always) so after a lil bit of a stressful drive through the very center of the city, we picked up that passport and headed towards Gatwick.

Quick stop off at Maccy D's and back on the road - we we're on time to check in 2 hours early for the flight at 21:15.

You know what it's like when your about to fly. Always checking and worrying that you got everything right. Got the passport? Got the tickets? Got the right times? Got the currency?

For some reason it never occured to me to check THE DATE!

Yep, some how I managed to rush up to the airport 1 day early. Bang on time, but 1 day early!!! Oh well - after a little fif-faf and a few phonecalls, managed to find a Hotel with 1 room left. Stayed the night so all was good.

Wednesday (Today!)

Its nice to rush towards a deadline and then realise your really early! Gives you a nice sense of relief. So Wednesday was nice and laid back. Laptop out all day, catching up with a little work, and chatting to some friends.

BBC News tends to find its way into airport waiting areas pretty well. I wouldn't mind this at-all. But as I was waiting to check-in, 2 Breaking News storys came in:

1) A plane has been emergency landed in Turkey due to Bomb threat, en-route to UK

2) A plane crashes in Russia killing all on board